
Properties to adjust Colors :

colorHSV array Private
Color HSV. Hue, Saturation and Value used in the configurator
Used in: all visualizations
colorRGB array Private
Color RGB. Red, Green, Blue used in the configurator
Used in: all visualizations
colorScheme option
Color schemes can be user defined which will take the colors in the color property or one provided in canvasXpress. The order of the colors will be used to sequentially select when a different color is needed in a particular visualization.
See also: colors
Default: basic
Options: user, basic, dark, strong, light, pastel, balanced, reset
Used in: all visualizations
colors array
See also: colorScheme
Default: colors
Used in: all visualizations
evenColor color
The color for the even numbers in samples when the property block contrast is set in one dimensional plots or the color for odd number residues in translations in genome plots.
See also: blockContrast, oddColor
Default: rgb(240,240,240)
Used in: all visualizations
oddColor color
The color for the odd numbers in samples when the property block contrast is set in one dimensional plots or the color for odd number residues in translations in genome plots.
Default: rgb(255,255,255)
Used in: all visualizations