
General parameters with images :

Relative path to an image file to the next button (not including the image directory)
Default: fast_forward.png
Used in: all visualizations
Relative path to an image file to the play button (not including the image directory)
Default: play.png
Used in: all visualizations
Relative path to an image file to the previous button (not including the image directory)
Default: rewind.png
Used in: all visualizations
Relative path to an image file to the stop button (not including the image directory)
Default: stop.png
Used in: all visualizations
imageDir url
Relative path to a directory containing images. If not specified it will be the root location of the CanvasXpress library script under the directory images
Default: false
Used in: all visualizations
loadingImage image
Relative path to an image file to the loading image (not including the image directory)
Default: loading1.gif
Options: loading1.gif, loading2.gif
Used in: all visualizations
Relative path to an image file to the drop down button (not including the image directory)
Default: menu_dropdown.png
Used in: all visualizations