
Data related parameters

groupingFactors array Private
An array that holds the group names used for grouping the data. It must be a category in the 'data.x' object
Default: []
isBoxPlotCalc boolean Private
Flag to indicate if the iqr has been calculated if the graph type is Boxplot.
isGraphTime boolean
Flag to indicate if the data is a time series so there is no need to plot every time interval
Default: false
isLogData boolean
Flag to indicate if the data is Log transformed.
Default: false
isMarketDataFormated boolean Private
Flag to indicate if the data has been formated to display Candlestick.
Name of the group used in ratio transformation.
Default: false
Options: false
Name of the sample used in ratio transformation.
Default: false
Options: false
String to indicate the annotation used to segregate the samples. It must be a category in the 'data.x' object
Default: false
Options: false, string
String to indicate the annotation used to segregate the variables. It must be a category in the 'data.z' object
Default: false
Options: false, string
showErrorBars boolean
Flag to indicate whether to show or not error bars in the graphs.
Default: true
Minimum size of the bar in pixels to determine to show or hide error bar ends in the graphs when available.
Default: 2
sortDir option
Default direction for data sorting.
Default: ascending
Options: ascending, descending
tmpAsciiArray array Private
A temporary array to enable sorting data asciibetically.
transformAxis option
Default axis to use to transform the data.
Default: samples
Options: samples, variables
transformBase integer
Default log or exponential transformation.
Default: 2
Options: 2, 10
transformType option
Default transformation type.
Default: false
Options: false, log2, log10, exp2, exp10, percentile, zscore, ratio, ratio2, ratio10, save, reset, undo
zscoreAxis option
Default axis to use to zcsore the data.
Default: samples
Options: samples, variables