
Colored boxes to help in the visualization of samples and variables

overlayFont font Private
Font for the overlays in one dimensional plots
Color for the overlays in one dimensional plots
Default: rgb(0,0,0)
overlayFontSize integer
Font size for the overlays in one dimensional plots
Default: 6
Font style for the overlays. @default
Options: , bold, italic, bold italic
Scaling factor used to increse or decrease overlays font size in the canvas in one dimensional plots
Default: 1
overlaysWidth integer
Length in pixels of the width for the colored boxes to classify samples and or variables in one dimensional plots
Default: 30
Flag to indicate to show or not the level overlays in one dimensional plots
Default: true
showOverlays boolean
Flag to indicate to show or not the overlays in one dimensional plots
Default: true
Flag to indicate to recycle sample overlay colors with each overlay
Default: false
smpOverlays array
Sample annotations included in the 'data.x' object used in one dimensional plots
Default: []
Flag to indicate to recycle variable overlay colors with each overlay
Default: false
varOverlays array
Variable annotations included in the 'data.z' object used in one dimensional plots
Default: []