
General parameters in dendrograms

The color for the dendrograms
Default: rgb(204,204,204)
dendrogramHang boolean
Flag to show or not the nodes in the dendrogram as hanging or not similar to that one in R
Default: false
Flag to size the branches of the dendrogram. Not implemented yet.
Default: false
dendrogramSpace integer
Length in pixels to space the branches in the dendrograms.
Default: 6
Flag to show or not the sample dendrogram
Default: false
Flag to show or not the variable dendrogram
Default: false
Position for the sample dendrogram in the plot. It could be top, bottom, right or left depending on the orientation of the graph.
Default: left
Options: right, left
Position for the variable dendrogram in the plot. It could be top, bottom, right or left depending on the orientation of the graph.
Default: top
Options: top, bottom